akvola Technologies’ Revenue Doubles in 2018
The company leaves 2018 behind with record revenue and bookings, a new product launch, new patents granted as well as a new commercial partnership in China and is positioned for another breakout year ahead.
Berlin, Germany – February 13th 2019 – akvola Technologies GmbH, a water technology company providing cost-effective and environment-friendly solutions for the removal of oils, emulsions and suspended solids from hard-to-treat industrial wastewater, announces record-breaking 2018 results and plans for continued expansion in 2019.
“We are very excited and thrilled about the 2018 results. We leave the year behind with a revenue growth of more than 100 percent year over year and a sales pipeline that is stronger than ever,” says Lucas León, the company’s CFO. “January has been proof of this: we have signed our first commercial reference with our new rent-to-own business model and overall it has been akvola’s best month to date in new sales.”
The great development of the company has caught the eye of high-level politicians. In October 2018 Matan Beery, CEO of akvola Technologies, was invited to join German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her official visit to Israel. „It was a great honor to be part of this delegation and we are grateful for the vote of confidence by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Chancellery“, says Matan Beery.
One of the highlights of the last quarter for the company was to see the first plant with the new design up and running (see picture). The ease-of-operation that the new proprietary user interface provides could be put to the test and passed with distinction.
Business Highlights in 2018:
Business Development, Customers and Partners
• Over 100% increase in revenue compared to 2017.
• Record bookings in volume and number.
• Strongest sales pipeline to date, including advanced negotiations with leading brands in our main markets.
• Established a partnership with Besino Environment Ltd, a Chinese EPC company, in order to accelerate technology adoption in the region.
Technology Development
• Launch of MicroGas™ Microbubble Generator as a separate business line.
• Granted US and GCC patents for akvoFloat™ patent family.
• Granted German patent for the MicroGas™ patent family.
• Optimized akvoFloat™’s tank design to improve the overall system’s efficiency through novel two-phase CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics).
• Appointed Mario Rizkallal as the new VP Sales.
• Added five new staff members: two application engineers, a project manager a laboratory technician and a sales engineer.
• Two new pilots projects conducted in China.
Brand Development
• Held technical and product presentations at over 15 events. This includes leading global events in metalworking (parts2clean, GrindTec), refining (ERTC, PRC) and water treatment (IE Expo Shanghai), as well as co-presentations together with satisfied customers relating their experience with akvola Technologies.
• Published a new thought-leadership marketing collateral: “Guide for wastewater management in metalworking companies”, targeting the German metalworking market. The guide provides a comprehensive technical and economic comparison of all wastewater treatment technologies in metalworking applications.
Outlook for 2019: Customer Growth and Expansion
“Our goal is to make 2019 our best year again with at least doubling our major economic KPIs while keeping our eye on building long-term stakeholder value,” explains Matan Beery. “Together with our partner Besino we will continue to expand our customer base in China, where we see a huge growth potential moving forwards”.
The company also wants to shape global industrial standards in fine bubble flotation. For this purpose, the German Institute for Standardization DIN has appointed akvola as the country’s representative in the ISO TC 281 committee for international standard development on fine bubble technology.
In Q3 2019 akvola will release a new “drop-in” version of the MicroGas™ microbubble generator that will enable an even quicker revamp of existing Dissolved Air Flotation plants. The installation of this version will require no modifications to the existing tank and simplify maintenance operations. “Simplicity and reliability are the key differentiators of MicroGas™ towards conventional bubble generation technologies. We believe that every step in this direction will increase its value to our customers”, says Johana Ludwig, CTO of the company.
akvola Technologies is confident 2019 will be the company’s ‘best ever year in business’ for the third year in a row.