1. Wastewater Discharge
Problem: Non-compliance with discharge limits due to oil, TSS, organics, metals or any hard-to- treat contaminants.
Solution: Use akvoFloat™ to improve primary or tertiary treatment with the most cost-effective technology.
2. Tank Dewatering Effluent
Problem: High crude oil concentrations from tanks endanger WWTP performance.
Solution: Use akvoFloat™ to remove excessive oil from segregated effluent, previous to sending it to the WWTP.
3. Desalter Effluent
Problem: Oil carry-over in desalter brine. High hydrocarbons (i.e. benzene) and oil concentrations in this effluent create problems in the operation of the WWTP.
Solution: Use akvoFloat™ to remove excessive oil/emulsions of the segregated effluent previous to sending it to the WWTP.
4. Biological Contamination
Problem: Ineffective oil and TSS removal create problems for the Biological Treatment.
Solution: Use akvoFloat™ to improve removal of oils and TSS.
5. Wastewater Reuse
Problem: Pretreatment before desalination (RO/EDR) doen’t meet required feed water quality.
Solution: Use akvoFloat™ as a pretreatment technology in order to eliminate oils, TSS, metals and other contaminants with the right CAPEX/OPEX balance.
6. Reformer Performance
Problem: Poor water separation in the low pressure separator.
Solution: Use akvoFloat™ to improve water separation (demulsifier).
7. Slop Re-Processing
Problem: Low hydrocarbon recovery from slop water.
Solution: Use akvoFloat™ to recover free, dispersed and emulsified oils.